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What are the causes of bruxism (teeth grinding)?
Some researchers; Some researchers claim that bruxism is caused by the deterioration of the bite relationship between the teeth, and some researchers are caused by a disease in the central nervous system, and that it is a multifaceted problem that includes these two reasons.

Closure disorders between the maxilla teeth and the teeth in the lower jaw may be a harbinger of joint diseases. Front open bite or covered bite, upper or lower teeth protruding more than normal, upper molars and premolars pushing inward and accordingly lateral shifts in the lower jaw, mild or severe space problems and crowding in the tooth rows can also be seen in the form.

Any destruction, disorder or pathological formation in the central nervous system will also cause bruxism. Everyone agrees that stress is the most important factor among the causes of bruxism. The first place we see the stress symptoms in our body is the mouth tissues. Stress has been identified as both the cause of bruxism and the most important factor increasing the severity of the event.

Patients who complain of nighttime bruxism usually talk about daily stress and work intensity. Bruxism is also seen at a high rate in patients with mental imbalances, anxiety, and depression.

As a result of clenching and grinding the teeth, fracture of the teeth, retraction of the gums and abrasions at the gum level, excessive sensitivity in the teeth, shaking, irritation of the cheeks, muscle, head, neck pain, muscle growth, and especially joints, noise and pain occur.

Treatment in bruxism is primarily to eliminate the factor. After that, the night plates to be made and the muscle relaxants used will also be beneficial.


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